Monthly Archives: February 2017

At least one of 3 consecutive odd numbers is a multiple of 3

The first example is all these are primes but beyond that if there are three consecutive odds one of them will always be a prime. Let three consecutive odd numbers be . If is a multiple of then we are … Continue reading

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Variance of Uniform Normal Distribution

Let the corresponding probabilities are for all at the points The general formula is Let’s first calculate Now lets calculate Therefore Now suppose we have same terms shifted from to in that case the variance becomes

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Archimedean Principle

There are 4 equivalent ways to express Archimedean Principle 1. If then there exists an such that . 2. The set of Positive Integers (Natural Numbers) is unbounded. For all natural numbers 3. If then there exists an such that … Continue reading

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Controlling distance with Triangle Inequality

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Completeness Axiom and its significance

The general statement is: Any subset of real numbers that is bounded above has a supremum. Now this property is not shared by other number systems. We need the following to do calculus and we ask the question what makes … Continue reading

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