RSA Encoding Decoding

Here is an example which illustrates how RSA method works. What you do is start with two prime numbers and multiply them to get a bigger composite number. This number is not easy to factor so you make this number public. Let’s call it m. Then you find the number of relative primes of this composite number using Euler phi function and then find a number relative prime to this euler phi number. You make this new number also public. Let’s call this number p. The private number comes from using the euclid’s algorithm and is the coefficient of the new number, lets call it e. Now any number N_1 can be encoded as N_2 = N_1^{p} \mod m and to decode it N_1=N_2^{e} \mod m

About Sumant Sumant

I love Math and I am always looking forward to collaborate with fellow learners. If you need help learning math then please do contact me.
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