Classifying Triangles

This is a simple program to check for given sides if the triangle is possible or not. If possible then it can classify as Right Angled, Equilateral, Isosceles or Scalene.

 Classifying Triangle 
 Enter the three sides a,b and c with space between them
void main()
int a,b,c; 
    scanf("%d %d %d",&a, &b, &c); 
 if((a+b >c)&&(b+c > a)&& (c+a>b))
   if( ( a*a==(b*b)+(c*c)) || ( b*b==(a*a)+(c*c)) || ( c*c==(a*a)+(b*b)))
    printf("Right-angle Triangle");
   else if( (a==b) && (b == c))
    printf("Equilateral Triangle");
   else if((a == b) || (b == c) || (c == a))
    printf("Isosceles Triangle");
   else printf("Scalene Triangle");
 printf("Triangle is not possible");


About Sumant Sumant

I love Math and I am always looking forward to collaborate with fellow learners. If you need help learning math then please do contact me.
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