Monthly Archives: April 2022

Vectors: Ratio question

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Why standard basis vectors are used to discover transformation matrices ?

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4 different ways to evaluate definite integral of reciprocal of sqrt(1+x^2) between 0 and 1

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Dynamic arrary implementation of prime counting function

Posted in Algorithm, Computer Program, Number Theory | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Implementing sieve of Eratosthenese in C

Posted in Algorithm, Number Theory | Tagged , | Leave a comment

C Program on word, line and character counting

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Lower case to upper case in C

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Reversing string in C

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IB q6 binomial Paper 2 2021

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Ferris wheel question in trigonometry

A carnival has a Ferris wheel that is 50 feet in diameter with 12 passenger cars. When viewed from the side where passengers board, the Ferris wheel rotates counterclockwise and makes two full turns each minute. Riders board the Ferris … Continue reading

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