Mathematical Morsels by Ross Honsberger

Problem 1: Chess tournament

Problem 1a: Minimizing distance from a fixed point

Problem 2: Number of unordered Partitions

Problem 3: Regions in a Circle

Problem 4: The ferry boats

Problem 8: Coloring the plane with 2 colors & rectangle

Problem 16: Primality test

Problem 19: Last 3 digits of 7^{9999}

Problem 22: Double Sequences

Problem 26: a^b and b^a

Problem 34: Writing the numbers from 1 to a billion

Problem 41: Sides of a quadrilateral

Problem 42: Primes in arithmetic progression

Problem 45: A sequence of squares

Problem 46: Red and blue dots

Problem 46a: Orange and green dots

Problem 50: Constant Chord

Problem 51: Number of inner diagonals

Problem 52: Loading the dice

Problem 68: An unusual property of complex numbers

Problem 73: Curious property of 3^{\frac{1}{3}}

Problem 79: Square within a square (method 1)

Problem 79: Square within a square (method 2)

Problem 80: Always a square

Problem 83: Fractions by permutation

Problem 84: GCD of binomial coefficients

About Sumant Sumant

I love Math and I am always looking forward to collaborate with fellow learners. If you need help learning math then please do contact me.
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