The art and craft of problem solving by Paul Zeitz

I got introduced to Paul Zeitz through his great course lectures. The book is very well written. There are number of problems I got introduced by him like Census taker

  1. The pill problem
  2. Census taker problem
  3. Frog jumping
  4. Chicken Nugget problem
  5. Connecting box problem
  6. The locker problem
  7. Lock Problem
  8. Lock Problem Simulation
  9. Symmetry and solution to quartic equation
  10. Cat and mouse
  11. Cutting sheet so that elephant can pass through it
  12. Dishes on lazy susan
  13. Why product of 4 consecutive numbers is never a square number ?
  14. Climbing Monk Problem
  15. Light bulb and 3 switches

About Sumant Sumant

I love Math and I am always looking forward to collaborate with fellow learners. If you need help learning math then please do contact me.
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