Author Archives: Sumant Sumant

About Sumant Sumant

I love Math and I am always looking forward to collaborate with fellow learners. If you need help learning math then please do contact me.

Find the radius of the Circle given these adjacent squares

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Perimeter of a triangle when Median is Perpendicular to the Angle Bisector

The side lengths of a triangle are consecutive integers, find the perimeter of the triangle if its known that a median of this triangle is perpendicular to the angle bisector

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Total number of integer ordered pairs that satisfy the difference between Arithmetic mean and Geometric mean is 1

Suppose (a,b) are non negative integers such that and . Find the number of ordered pairs that satisfy the above condition. (Australian Mathematical Olympiad, 2020)

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Nested dodecagon problem

Two regular dodecagon.What fraction is not colored ?

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How to think about the proof (anbn)->(a,b) when

This is one of the standard proof in introductory analysis course about why the product of a converging sequence is a converging sequence. Here I am distilling how to think about the proof when you see the first time.

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Find the radius of the inscribed circle between a parabola and x axis

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Maximizing with ratio of slant height to radius

A cone has radius r and fixed slant height of s cm. Find the ratio s:r which maximizes the volume of the cone.

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Max profit when total cost and selling cost are given

The total cost of producing a blanket per day is pounds and for this production level each blanket may be sold for pounds. How many blankets should be produced per day to maximize the total profit?

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Related rate problem of a conical heap

Wheat runs from a hole in a silo at a constant rate and forms a conical heap whose base radius is treble it’s height After 1 minute the height of the heap is 20 cm. Find the rate at which … Continue reading

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Coloring a 3 by 3 grid using two colors ( blue and orange) so that no row or column contains more than one orange color

Sumant colors each square in an empty 3 by 3 grid either blue or orange. Find the total number of ways to color the grid so that no toes or columns contain more than one orange.

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