Tag Archives: AoPS

Total number of integer ordered pairs that satisfy the difference between Arithmetic mean and Geometric mean is 1

Suppose (a,b) are non negative integers such that and . Find the number of ordered pairs that satisfy the above condition. (Australian Mathematical Olympiad, 2020)

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Coloring a 3 by 3 grid using two colors ( blue and orange) so that no row or column contains more than one orange color

Sumant colors each square in an empty 3 by 3 grid either blue or orange. Find the total number of ways to color the grid so that no toes or columns contain more than one orange.

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Spotting difference in squares


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a simple median on Right Triangle proof

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An easy question for teaching exponents

Given and . Determine the possible values of $x^2y2z^2$

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Fixed piece of wire bent into square and rectangle. For minimum total area what should be the perimeter of each.

A 30 cm piece of wire is cut into two. One piece is bent into the shape of a square, the other piece into the share of a rectangle with a length to width ratio of 2:1. What are the … Continue reading

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Two parabolas passing through their corresponding vertices

The parabola has vertex and the parabola has vertex where and are distinct points. The two parabolas intersect at and . Prove that .

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Find max area of inscribed rectangle in an isosceles triangle

An isosceles triangle has a base of 6m and height 4m. Find a rectangle of max area inscribed in that triangle.

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Angle subtended at mid point is 1/2 of angle subtended at 3/4 in a square from the same vertex

In a square ABCD, M is the midpoint of AD and N is the midpoint of MD. Prove that . See alsohttps://sumantmath.wordpress.com/2024/05/29/a-geometry-problem-solved-using-trigonometry/

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A Geometry problem solved using Trigonometry

In a square ABCD, M is the midpoint of AD and N is the midpoint of MD. Prove that .

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