Tag Archives: Paul Zeitz

Lock Problem

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The art and craft of problem solving by Paul Zeitz

I got introduced to Paul Zeitz through his great course lectures. The book is very well written. There are number of problems I got introduced by him like Census taker

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Connecting Boxes (Classic Problem)

This is a problem I first read in Ian Stewart’s book called Mathematical Chest. The approach of wishful thinking is due to Paul Zeitz. The goal is to connect the boxes with their corresponding boxes so that the twine don’t … Continue reading

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Chicken Nugget Problem

This is a very famous problem that I first read in Mathematical Journeys and later in Paul Zeitz’s book. The analysis based on lattice method is due to Paul Zeitz. The problem is about two chicken boxes. One has a … Continue reading

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Round trip across globe problem

This problem and solution I found it on Paul Zeit’z Art and Craft of problem solving. This is a very elegant solution of how 3 aircraft can help each other to do a round trip across the earth where the … Continue reading

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